Immigration and Religion

2014. How Do Social Service Providers View Recent Immigrants? Perspectives from Portland, Maine and Olympia, Washington” with Casey Clevenger, Amelia Seraphia Derr and Sara Curran. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 12: 67-86.

2013. “Religious Dimensions of Contexts of Reception: Comparing Two New England Cities” with Peggy Levitt, B. Nadya Jaworksy, and Casey Clevenger. International Migration. 51(3):84-98.

2013. “How Do Organizations Respond to Immigrants? Comparing Two New England Cities” with Ken Sun. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. 11(2): 157-177.

2012. “New Perspectives on Immigrant Contexts of Reception: The Cultural Armature of Cities” with B. Nadya Jaworsky, Peggy Levitt, Jessica Hejtmanek and Sara R. Curran. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 2(1):78-88.

2010. “The City as Context: Culture and Scale in New Immigrant Destinations” with Peggy Levitt, B. Nadya Jaworsky and Sara Curran. Número Monográfico: Religiony Migración; copublicación Les Cahiers Alhim y la Revista Migraciones, Universidad Paris 8-Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

2007. “Immigration and Religion” with Elaine Howard Ecklund. Annual Review of Sociology. 33: 17.1-17.21

2006. “Religious Service Attendance Among Immigrants: Evidence from the New Immigrant Survey Pilot“ American Behavioral Scientist. 49(11): 1574-1595.

2005. “Religions of Immigrants in the Mid-Atlantic States.” Religion in the Middle Atlantic States: Fount of Diversity. Edited by Randall Balmer and Mark Silk. AltaMira Press.

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