Religion in Public Institutions

Forthcoming. “Interactions with Chaplains: Results from a National Survey” with Amy Lawton and Jessica Hamar Martinez. Journal of Contemporary Religion.

Forthcoming. “What Can Chaplains Teach about Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy?” The Review of Faith & International Affairs

2024. “Which U.S. Congregational Leaders Also Work as Chaplains? A National Overview” with Amy Lawton, Anna Holleman and Joseph Roso. Review of Religious Research

2023. “The Persistence of Religion as a Master Status for Chaplains” with Amy Lawton. Review of Religious Research. 65(4).

2023. “Nonreligious Chaplains and Spiritual Care” with Amy Lawton and Adah Anderson. Religions. 14(9).

2023. “How Leaders Negotiate Religious Differences: Frameworks of Mandate and Interpersonal Care” with Carolina Seigler. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 91(1): 174-192. 

2023. “American Jewish Chaplains Adopting an American Form” with Bethamie Horowitz and Joseph Wesiberg* Contemporary Jewry.

2023. “How Does the American Public Interact with Chaplains? Evidence from a National Survey.” with Amy Lawton and Jessica Hamar Martinez. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy. 24: 1-15

2023. “Chaplains of Color: Histories and Practices: An Introduction” with Barbara Savage and Marilyn JD Barnes. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy. 29(3). 245-55

2023. “Racial burdens in the work of state-supported Black chaplains.” Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy. 29(3): 269-278

2023. “The Work of Port Chaplains: Views from Seafarers Served” with Helen Sampson, Nelson Turgo, Sophie Gilliat-Ray and Graeme Smith” Journal of Contemporary Religion. 38(2):325-342.

2023. “The Content and Effects of Interactions with Chaplains: Findings from a National Survey” with Amy Lawton. Palliative and Supportive Care, 1-8.

2022. “Relying on the kindness of strangers: Welfare providers to seafarers and the symbolic construction of community” with Helen Sampson, Nelson Turgo, Sophie Gillat-Ray, Graeme Smith Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 52(2):192-217.

2022. ““From “Civilian Clergy to Officer”: Hiring and Training Chaplains for Federal Government Positions” with Grace Tien. Sociology of Religion.

2022. “Where are Chaplains in Federal and State Institutions: An Institutional Note” with Amy Lawton and Danielle Xanthos. Psychological Services.

2022. “‘Overstretched and under-resourced:’ The corporate neglect of port welfare services for seafarers” with Helen Sampson, Nelson Turgo, Sophie Gilliat-Ray and Graeme Smith. Maritime Policy & Management.

2022. “‘Here today, gone tomorrow:’ the risks and rewards of port chaplaincy” with Helen Sampson, Nelson Turgo, Sopie-Gillat-Ray and Graeme Smith.  Journal of Belief & Values.

2022. “Religious Literacy and Spiritual Care with Carrie Seigler and Trace Haythorn. In the The Routledge Handbook of Religious Literacy, Pluralism, and Global Engagement. Eds. Chris Seiple and Dennis R. Hoover. Routledge Press

2021. “Assessing Student Engagement with Campus Chaplains: A Pilot Study from a Residential Liberal Arts College” Journal of College and Character with Elena van Stee*, Taylor Winfield*, John Schmalzbauer, Tiffany Steinwert, Shelly Rambo and Elizabeth Clifford.* Journal of College and Character. 3: 215-238.

2021. “Staff-Care by Chaplains During COVID-19” with Beba Tata, Daniel Nuzum, Karen Murphy, Leila Karimi. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling. 75(IS): 24-29.

2021. “How Do Colleges and Universities Support Multifaith Chaplaincy? The Causes and Effects of Different Institutional Approaches” Elena van Stee* and Rebecca Barton* Journal of College and Character 22(2):134-155.

2021. “How Do Healthcare Executives Understand and Make Decision about Spiritual Care Provision? A Pilot Study” with Aja Antoine, George Fitchett, Deborah Marin, Vanshdeep Sharma, Andrew Garmen, Trace Haythorn, and Kelsey White. Southern Medical Journal. 114(4): 207-212.

2020. “What Organizational and Business Models Underlie Spiritual Care Staffing in Healthcare Organizations? An Initial Description and Analysis” with Aja Antoine, George Fitchett, Deborah Marin, Vanshdeep Sharma, Andrew Garmen, Trace Haythorn, Kelsey White and Amy Greene. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy.

2020. “Harmony of the Seas?: Work, Faith, and Religious Difference Among Multinational Migrant Workers on Board Cargo Ships” with Helen Sampson, Nelson Turgo, Sophie Gillat-Ray, Graeme Smith. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 43(16):287-305.

2020. “The Social Significance of Chaplains: Evidence from a National Survey” with Taylor Winfield*, Michael Skaggs. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy. 18:1-10.

2020. “Education for Professional Chaplaincy in the US: Mapping Current Practice in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)” with Casey Clevenger, Irene Elizabeth Stroud, Patricia K. Palmer, Trace Haythorn, George Fitchett. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy 7: 1-16.

2020. Training Chaplains and Spiritual Caregivers? The Emergence and Growth of Chaplaincy Programs in Theological Education” with Irene Elizabeth Stroud, Patricia K. Palmer, George Fitchett, Trace Haythorn, Casey Clevenger. Pastoral Psychology 69: 187-208.

2020. “Mapping the Healthcare Chaplaincy Workforce: A Baseline Description” with Kelsey White, Marilyn Barnes and George Fitchett. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy

2020.“Caring for the Whole Student: How Do Chaplains Contribute to Campus Life?” Elena van Stee and Rebecca Barton Journal of College and Character. 21(2): 67-85.

2019. “Training Healthcare Chaplains: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” with George Fitchett, Trace Haythorn, Patricia K. Palmer, Shelly Rambo, Casey Clevenger, Irene Elizabeth Stroud.  Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling. 73(4):211-221.

2019. “Clergy Working Outside of Congregations, 1976-2018″ with Cyrus Schleifer. Review of Religious Research 61, 411-429.

2019. “Perspectives from the Edge: Chaplains in Greater Boston, 1945-2015” with Katherine Wang and Mary Rowe. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 58(6): 269-286.

2019. “Humanizing Agents of Modern Capitalism? The Daily Work of Port Chaplains” with Michael Skaggs. Sociology of Religion 80(1):83-106.

2018. “Translating Spirituality: Universalism and Particularism in the Diffusion of Spiritual Care from the United States to Israel” with Michal Pagis and Orly Tal* Sociological Forum. 33(3):596-618.

2018. “Serving Seafarers in the Boston Harbor: Local Adaptation to Global Economic Change, 1820-2015” with Michael Skaggs. International Journal of Maritime History. 30(2).

2017. “The Evolution of American Airport Chapels: Local Negotiations in Religiously Pluralistic Contexts” Religion & American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation. 28(1):135-165.

2017. “God on the Fly? The Professional Mandates of Airport Chaplains” Sociology of Religion. 78(4):437-455.

2017. “Religion in Public Institutions: Comparative Perspectives from the U.S., U.K. and Europe” with Mar Griera, Kristen Lucken and Ines Michalowski. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 56(2): 226-233.

2015. “Idiosyncratic Prophets: Personal Style in the Prayers of Congressional Chaplains, 1990-2010” with Laura Olson and Margaret Clendenen. Journal of Church and State..

2015. “Institutional Change in American Religion with Casey Clevenger. Emerging Trends.

2014. “Making ‘Invisible Religion’ Visible: The Significance of Religion and Spirituality in Secular Organizations” with Mary Ellen Konieczny. Sociology of Religion 75(4): 551-563.

2014. Negocier les differences religieuses dans les organisations laiques: i’example des chapelles d’hopitaux.”Social Compass 61(2): 178-194.

2014. “How Do Social Service Providers View Recent Immigrants? Perspectives from Portland, Maine and Olympia, Washington” with Casey Clevenger, Amelia Seraphia Derr and Sara Curran. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 12: 67-86.

2013. “Negotiating Religious Differences: The Strategies of Interfaith Chaplains in Healthcare” with Emily Sigalow. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 51(3): 84-98.

2013. Religious Dimensions of Contexts of Reception: Comparing Two New England Cities” with Peggy Levitt, B. Nadya Jaworksy, and Casey Clevenger. International Migration. 51(3):84-98.

2013. “How Do Organizations Respond to Immigrants? Comparing Two New England Cities” with Ken Sun. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. 11(2): 157-177.

2013. “Religion on the Edge: An Introduction” and “Conclusion” with Courtney Bender, Peggy Levitt and David Smilde. In Religion of the Edge: De-Centering and Re-centering the Sociology of Religion with Courtney Bender, Peggy Levitt and David Smilde. Eds. New York: Oxford University Press.

2013. “Negotiating Religious Differences in Secular Organizations: The Case of Hospital Chapels.” In Religion of the Edge: De-Centering and Re-centering the Sociology of Religion with Courtney Bender, Peggy Levitt and David Smilde. Eds. New York: Oxford University Press.

2012. A Survey of Chaplains’ Roles in Pediatric Palliative Care Integral Members of the Team” with Kathryn Lyndes, George Fitchett, Nancy Berlinger, Jennifer Misasi and Erin Flanagan. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy. 18(1-2): 74-93

2012. Possibilities and Limits of Medical Science. Debates over Double Blind Clinical Trials of Intercessory Prayer. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. 47(1): 43-64.

2012. “New Perspectives on Immigrant Contexts of Reception: The Cultural Armature of Cities” with B. Nadya Jaworsky, Peggy Levitt, Jessica Hejtmanek and Sara R. Curran. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 2(1):78-88.

2011. “De-centering and Re-centering: Rethinking Concepts and Methods in the Sociological Study of Religion” with Peggy Levitt and David Smilde. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 50(3):437-449.

2011. “The Role of Professional Chaplains on Pediatric Palliative Care Teams: Perspectives from Physicians and Chaplains” with George Fitchett, Kathryn Lyndes, Nancy Berlinger, Erin Flanagan and Jennifer Misasi. Journal of Palliative Medicine 14(6): 704-707.

2011. “What Do Chaplains Contribute to Large Academic Hospitals? The Perspectives of Pediatric Physicians and Chaplains” with Katherine Calle and Jennifer Dillinger. Journal of Religion and Health. 50(2).

2010. “Religion, Spirituality, Health and Medicine: Sociological Intersections” with Brian Fair. Handbook of Medical Sociology. Chloe Byrd, Allan Fremont, Stefan Timmermans, and Peter Conrad, Eds. Vanderbilt University Press. 341-362.

2010.Negotiating Ambivalence: The Social Power of Muslim Community Health Organizations in America” with Lance Laird. Political and Legal Anthropology Review 33(2): 225-244.

2010. “Engaging Emerging Adults” with Casey Clevenger. Changing Spirituality of Emerging Adults Project.

2010. “The City as Context: Culture and Scale in New Immigrant Destinations” with Peggy Levitt, B. Nadya Jaworsky and Sara Curran. Número Monográfico: Religiony Migración; copublicación Les Cahiers Alhim y la Revista Migraciones, Universidad Paris 8-Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

2009. “Prayers in the Clinic: How Do Pediatricians and Pediatric Oncologists Respond?” with Elaine Howard Ecklund. Southern Medical Journal 102(12):1218-1221.

2009. “Physicians’ Experiences and Satisfaction with Chaplains: A National Study” with George Fitchett, Farr Curlin, and Kenneth Rasinski. Archives of Internal Medicine 169(19):1808-1810.

2009. “Religion and Spirituality: A Barrier and a Bridge in the Everyday Professional Work of Pediatric Physicians” with Elaine Howard Ecklund and Nicholas Short. Social Problems 56(4): 702-721.

2009. “Saying Your Prayers, Constructing Your Religions: Medical Studies of Intercessory Prayer.” Journal of Religion 89: 299-327

2009. “Constructing American Muslim Identity: Tales of Two Clinics in Southern California” with Lance Laird. Muslim World99: 270-293. Reprinted in Adkins, Julie, Laurie Occhipinti, and Tara Hefferan Eds. Forthcoming. Not By Faith Alone: Social Services, Social Justice, and Faith-Based Organizations in the U.S. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books).

2009. “Religion, Spirituality, and Health: An Institutional Approach.” Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion. Peter Clarke Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 836-856.

2008. Lost in Translation? Sociological Observations and Reflections on the Practice of Hospital Chaplaincy” with Raymond De Vries and Nancy Berlinger. The Hastings Center Report. 38(6):9-13.

2008. “De Facto Congregationalism and the Religious Organizations of Post-1965 Immigrants to the United States: A Revised Approach.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion.76(2):344-374.

2008. “Hospital Chaplaincy in the United States: A National Overview“ with Jeremy Freese and Nicholas Christakis. Southern Medical Journal.101(6):626-630

2007. “Immigration and Religion” with Elaine Howard Ecklund. Annual Review of Sociology. 33: 17.1-17.21

2007. Muslim Community-Based Health Organizations” with Lance Laird. Report to the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding and the Association of Muslim Health Professionals.

2007. “Reflections on Habits of the Heart, Buddhism in America, and Religious Individualism” Sociology of Religion.68(2): 201-205.

2006. “Constructing Buddhism(s): Interreligious Dialogue and Religious Hybridity” with Courtney Bender. Sociology of Religion. 67(3):229-247.

2006. “Religion and the NonProfit Sector“ with Robert Wuthnow. Handbook of NonProfits. Edited by Walter Powell and Richard Steinberg. New Haven: Yale University Press. 485-505.

2006. “Religion and Public Opinion about Same-Sex Marriagewith Laura Olson and James Harrison. Social Science Quarterly. 87(2):340-360. (One of ten most downloaded articles from the SSQ webpage in 2006. Reprinted in Dulio, David, Erin O’Brien, and John S. Klemanski Eds. 2008. American Political Diversity. Longman Pub)

2006. Ascription, Choice, and the Construction of Religious Identities in the Contemporary United States.” With Lynn Davidman. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 45(1): 23-38.

2005. “Religions of Immigrants in the Mid-Atlantic States.” Religion in the Middle Atlantic States: Fount of Diversity. Edited by Randall Balmer and Mark Silk. AltaMira Press.

2004. “Buddhists and Buddhism in the United States: The Scope of Influence.” With Robert Wuthnow. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 43(3): 361-378.

2004. “Yoga and Rebirth in America: Asian Religions are Here to Stay.” With Courtney Bender. Contexts: Understanding People in Their Social Worlds. 3(1): 45-51.

2001. “The Role of Religion in Public Conflicts Over the Arts in the Philadelphia Area, 1965-1997.” With Paul DiMaggio, Lynn Robinson, and Brian Steensland.Crossroads: Art and Religion in American Life. Edited by Alberta Arthurs & Glenn Wallach. New York: The New Press.

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